Friday, April 8, 2011

Yoga for Students at OPRFHS

One of my regular yoga students, who is a high-school teacher, kindly invited me to give a yoga demonstration and class to the World Cultures class at Oak Park River Forest High School. Having almost no experience with teaching a classroom full of teenage boys (which this class mostly consisted of), I as unsure about how the day would go and was actually pretty nervous. In the end, we all got along great and had a great time, even doing a partner pose together without too much resistance!

Before Savasana (final resting pose), I advised the students that this would be the most difficult pose, as it requires complete surrender of the body and the mind. After a fully silent 5 minutes, we released the pose and the difference in the students (and the surprise of their teachers) was evident! What a fun group! Thanks so much to Marci for giving me the opportunity to come out and share yoga with the students!