This year's Thanksgiving morning class at Yoga Trek was so much fun to teach and such a beautiful practice to witness! We had a wonderful group and a very full studio. What great energy and what a perfect way to start off a day that can be chaotic for so many people. Thank you ALL for coming and contributing to the experience. I hope to see you again really soon!
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Thanksgiving Morning at Yoga Trek
This year's Thanksgiving morning class at Yoga Trek was so much fun to teach and such a beautiful practice to witness! We had a wonderful group and a very full studio. What great energy and what a perfect way to start off a day that can be chaotic for so many people. Thank you ALL for coming and contributing to the experience. I hope to see you again really soon!
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
A Humanitarian Argument for a Plant-Based Diet
This was a tough one to write, but given the many people who remain unconvinced as to the benefits of a vegan diet because they consider themselves humanitarians first, I was prompted to write this piece. A vegan diet benefits us ALL. You can do more. We can all do more. (For example, I could have written more!! This piece doesn't even get into the environmental impacts of animal agriculture which are huge and tragic and impact us earthlings immensely.)
A shift towards a vegan diet is not fully about the rights of animals, but also those of us humans. The mechanized process that brings us the bacon (literally, as it were) also involves human cogs. These human beings involved in the slaughter of animals for food day in and day out are desensitized and dehumanized. Their jobs involve the repeated and brutal slaughter of unwilling, fully aware and resistant victims. A pause of empathy or compassion creates a slow-down in the line and in production, so these natural human emotions must be shoved down, repressed, and forgotten. The animals slaughtered are viewed as products and nothing more. No high-volume, mechanized slaughter can be performed with compassion (and, I'd argue, no slaughter at all can be compassionate based on the very nature of the act). The built-up frustration, anger, and sometimes drunkeness of the workers is taken out on those most vulnerable, adding to the horror of their impending deaths, and surely leaving behind psychological scars on those who commit these acts. In the book Slaughterhouse, one worker is quoted as saying, "Animal abuse is so common that workers who've been in the industry for years get into a state of apathy about it. After a while, it doesn't seem unusual anymore. Animal abuse is so commonplace nobody even thinks about it."
In communities where slaughterhouses open, crime rates have been shown to increase. This violence and apathy makes it's way out from behind the walls of the animal agriculture infrastructure and into the lives of the husbands, wives, and children of these workers. Into the community. Into the homes and lives of those who have done nothing else but lived in a town where a slaughterhouse has set up shop.
Think of these people as children. These workers were not born with the instinct toward this inhumane treatment of their fellow being, but the cruel, fearful, and painful work environment has made it's mark. Either that, or some other horrific life experience has led this person to seek out a situation where they can take out their unresolved emotions on those who are defenseless (were the victims human, or even those animals we call "pets," this action would be considered predatory). If not one of these, then every single animal agriculture worker in the world who routinely commits acts of abuse against these animals is what... pathologically insane? If that is the case, then why are we content to eat their victims?
The cruelty against the animals who become our food extends too to those who are used as machines to create our food. Dairy cows are artificially inseminated so that they can remain constantly pregnant and capable of milk production. They will, however, never see a bull in their lives. The semen used to impregnate them is collected by human hand. This process, while clearly sexually abusive to the animals (the machine which is used to impregnate cows and pigs is sadly and accurately called by the industry itself the "Rape Rack"), is degrading to the human beings who do this work to survive.
And how could a job like this allow anymore than just that? Basic human survival. While many of us have jobs that are slightly less than satisfying, compare your "boring desk job" to one where you are paid to kill, torture, and rape living beings capable of fear, pain, and horror. What healthy personal satisfaction comes from a job like this? A paycheck and the ability to provide? Perhaps, but shouldn't we aim higher? As consumers, we have the ability to create a marketplace where we support industries that employ our fellow human beings to do ethical, humanizing, fulfilling work providing a product that does not stem from fear, hatred, or frustration. Where our dollars are not funding the continual downgrade in both animal and human rights. It IS possible and you are even more instrumental than you think.
A shift towards a vegan diet is not fully about the rights of animals, but also those of us humans. The mechanized process that brings us the bacon (literally, as it were) also involves human cogs. These human beings involved in the slaughter of animals for food day in and day out are desensitized and dehumanized. Their jobs involve the repeated and brutal slaughter of unwilling, fully aware and resistant victims. A pause of empathy or compassion creates a slow-down in the line and in production, so these natural human emotions must be shoved down, repressed, and forgotten. The animals slaughtered are viewed as products and nothing more. No high-volume, mechanized slaughter can be performed with compassion (and, I'd argue, no slaughter at all can be compassionate based on the very nature of the act). The built-up frustration, anger, and sometimes drunkeness of the workers is taken out on those most vulnerable, adding to the horror of their impending deaths, and surely leaving behind psychological scars on those who commit these acts. In the book Slaughterhouse, one worker is quoted as saying, "Animal abuse is so common that workers who've been in the industry for years get into a state of apathy about it. After a while, it doesn't seem unusual anymore. Animal abuse is so commonplace nobody even thinks about it."
In communities where slaughterhouses open, crime rates have been shown to increase. This violence and apathy makes it's way out from behind the walls of the animal agriculture infrastructure and into the lives of the husbands, wives, and children of these workers. Into the community. Into the homes and lives of those who have done nothing else but lived in a town where a slaughterhouse has set up shop.
Think of these people as children. These workers were not born with the instinct toward this inhumane treatment of their fellow being, but the cruel, fearful, and painful work environment has made it's mark. Either that, or some other horrific life experience has led this person to seek out a situation where they can take out their unresolved emotions on those who are defenseless (were the victims human, or even those animals we call "pets," this action would be considered predatory). If not one of these, then every single animal agriculture worker in the world who routinely commits acts of abuse against these animals is what... pathologically insane? If that is the case, then why are we content to eat their victims?
The cruelty against the animals who become our food extends too to those who are used as machines to create our food. Dairy cows are artificially inseminated so that they can remain constantly pregnant and capable of milk production. They will, however, never see a bull in their lives. The semen used to impregnate them is collected by human hand. This process, while clearly sexually abusive to the animals (the machine which is used to impregnate cows and pigs is sadly and accurately called by the industry itself the "Rape Rack"), is degrading to the human beings who do this work to survive.
And how could a job like this allow anymore than just that? Basic human survival. While many of us have jobs that are slightly less than satisfying, compare your "boring desk job" to one where you are paid to kill, torture, and rape living beings capable of fear, pain, and horror. What healthy personal satisfaction comes from a job like this? A paycheck and the ability to provide? Perhaps, but shouldn't we aim higher? As consumers, we have the ability to create a marketplace where we support industries that employ our fellow human beings to do ethical, humanizing, fulfilling work providing a product that does not stem from fear, hatred, or frustration. Where our dollars are not funding the continual downgrade in both animal and human rights. It IS possible and you are even more instrumental than you think.
Karma Yoga - November Newsletter
Here's a little something that was written up for the November Newsletter. Enjoy!
Karma Yoga, the action of giving back, is one of the many paths to liberation and is discussed flawlessly in the eternal classic, The Bhagavad Gita. In this text, Krishna (as a manifestation of the divine) explains that our attachment to our actions keeps us bound to an unending cycle of karma creating repeated births, deaths, and misery as we reap the seeds of our previously selfish actions. The only way for us to end this suffering is to end these attachments.
Our attachments are many. We're attached to comforts, to our families, to our possessions, to our titles, our ideas about ourself, and even to our spiritual practices (including yoga). A yoga practice based exclusively on the physical aspects can lead towards self-indulgence as we fixate on our newfound skills, our abilities, and other related obsessions. Resist the urge to pamper the ego and instead, try to exchange these thoughts for others - a mantra, a prayer, something devotional (this can be a non-secular devotion). It requires a concentrated effort to adjust the workings of the mind, but it is not impossible. Shifts come little by little and stick with us if we make the effort to catch ourselves "in the act" and redirect to something that is deeper and ultimately more rewarding.
It is for this reason that work without expectation is so beneficial. If we can do for others, without reservation or hesitation, and without the expectation of any reward whatsoever (this is a hard one - no thank you, no feeling of personal satisfaction, nothing!), then we are performing Karma Yoga. Even as we lessen these attachments (this is not an over night practice), we begin to see the true benefit and purpose of our work. We are a part of the bigger picture. We see something that needs doing and we do it. Tough, but ultimately, a practice that can be rewarding on the deepest levels imaginable (or currently unimaginable) as we explore below the surface of our Selves.
"But verily, the man who rejoices in the Self and is satisfied with the Self and is content with the Self alone--he has nothing for which he should work. He has no object to gain by what he does in this world, nor any to lose by what he leaves undone; nor is there anyone, among all beings, on whom he needs to depend for any object. Therefore always do without attachment the work you have to do; for a man who does his work without attachment attains the Supreme." - Krishna speaks to Arjuna in The Bhagavad Gita
Karma Yoga, the action of giving back, is one of the many paths to liberation and is discussed flawlessly in the eternal classic, The Bhagavad Gita. In this text, Krishna (as a manifestation of the divine) explains that our attachment to our actions keeps us bound to an unending cycle of karma creating repeated births, deaths, and misery as we reap the seeds of our previously selfish actions. The only way for us to end this suffering is to end these attachments.
Our attachments are many. We're attached to comforts, to our families, to our possessions, to our titles, our ideas about ourself, and even to our spiritual practices (including yoga). A yoga practice based exclusively on the physical aspects can lead towards self-indulgence as we fixate on our newfound skills, our abilities, and other related obsessions. Resist the urge to pamper the ego and instead, try to exchange these thoughts for others - a mantra, a prayer, something devotional (this can be a non-secular devotion). It requires a concentrated effort to adjust the workings of the mind, but it is not impossible. Shifts come little by little and stick with us if we make the effort to catch ourselves "in the act" and redirect to something that is deeper and ultimately more rewarding.
It is for this reason that work without expectation is so beneficial. If we can do for others, without reservation or hesitation, and without the expectation of any reward whatsoever (this is a hard one - no thank you, no feeling of personal satisfaction, nothing!), then we are performing Karma Yoga. Even as we lessen these attachments (this is not an over night practice), we begin to see the true benefit and purpose of our work. We are a part of the bigger picture. We see something that needs doing and we do it. Tough, but ultimately, a practice that can be rewarding on the deepest levels imaginable (or currently unimaginable) as we explore below the surface of our Selves.
"But verily, the man who rejoices in the Self and is satisfied with the Self and is content with the Self alone--he has nothing for which he should work. He has no object to gain by what he does in this world, nor any to lose by what he leaves undone; nor is there anyone, among all beings, on whom he needs to depend for any object. Therefore always do without attachment the work you have to do; for a man who does his work without attachment attains the Supreme." - Krishna speaks to Arjuna in The Bhagavad Gita
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