Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I am Nicole Sopko, a yoga student who is always learning and a yoga teacher who is eager to do what I can to enable others towards the goal of yoga. I have been practicing yoga since sometime in 2003 when I joined a gym and popped in to my first class. Having never been an "athlete" of any kind, I was somewhat surprised how at home I felt in the yoga postures. Over time, the passion for practice grew and I attended a 200 hour teacher training with the intention of learning as much as I could about yoga. What I learned, was that despite being formerly terrified of speaking in front of groups of people, this yoga stuff was just too good to keep to myself! So, I began teaching at the studio where I did my training as well as a few gyms. After my training, I continued to explore the world of yoga taking workshops with respected teachers and reading many many books on the subject in an effort to figure out the deeper part of the practice that I could sense, but could not yet access.

At some point shortly after becoming a "yoga teacher," I ventured to New York City to check out a real teacher there by the name of Dharma Mittra. I didn't know at the time how it would change my life, but that first class was mind blowing. Dharma was speaking what appeared to me to be the clear truth, backed up by his many years of practice. I felt transformed. I would spend years traveling to NY as I was able in order to study with Dharma. I would get on the train/plane/automobile with a mind full of questions, but as soon as I was seated in front of the teacher, all of the questions disappeared. I was always at perfect peace in Dharma's presence.

Some time later, I enrolled in and attended Dharma's 500 hour teacher training, which was the best choice I could have made, especially at that time in my life. Through Dharma's generous teachings, I have learned much about yoga and most importantly, have learned the critical importance of living yoga as daily life. There should be no interruption between the attitude on the mat and off. Yoga gives us the ability to sit quietly and find opportunity for deep reflection, which can answer all of our questions and quell our doubts, giving way to a more peaceful mind and a more compassionate existence.

This blog is a place to attempt to share experiences that touch me and yogic teachings as I understand them. I humbly offer the fruits of this labor to you, whoever you are, and to the divine spark inside of all of us who I hope will guide this project as it progresses.