Sunday, September 11, 2011

2011 Chicago Walk for Farm Animals

Yesterday I had the great fortune to participate in the 2011 Chicago Walk for Farm Animals. These nationwide walks benefit Farm Sanctuary organization, who advocates for the treatment of our forgotten brothers and sisters living lives of confinement away from our eyes. I was unable to stay for the entire event, as I had to teach the regular Saturday morning class in Oak Park, but I was able to show up early and lead a short yoga session at the beginning of the day's events. It was a ton of fun with a really enthusiastic group of participants. It's not everyone who will go out on a Saturday morning and do yoga (some for the first time ever) on a patch of wet grass in Lincoln Park!

When I arrived at the usual Saturday morning class, I had to mentally change gears. I almost couldn't figure out how to teach this group of students sitting patiently in a studio... no one was even dressed as a pig! Over the course of the short previous yoga session, that had come to look quite normal. Funny how the mind works.

This event also marked the debut of my newly-purchased Flip camera which I intend to use often now that I have it! There are so many things that I want to make videos of. The above is my first attempt at video editing. Many thanks to my friend, Mark, took much of the yoga class video. I think I learned a lot making this and have ideas about what to do differently next time.

Thank you all for coming out and participating and, most of all, for acting as voices for the voiceless! And thank you to the organizers who invited me and to the many friends who recommended me for the duty!

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